Official Plan and Zoning
The City of Elliot Lake Official Plan guides development within the municipality by stating what lands can be used for which purpose. The Official Plan recognizes that the demographic and economic make-up of Elliot Lake is always changing. It protects the city's quality of life through responsible and proactive development. The zoning bylaw refines and outlines permitted uses in various zones within the municipality.
You can download and view the City's Official Plan, zoning bylaw and related land use schedules below:
- Official Plan
- Zoning By-Law
- Urban Map Schedule A (Zoning)
- Rural Map Schedule B (Zoning)
- Urban Map Schedule A (Official Plan)
- Rural Map Schedule B: Land Use and Mineral Overlays and Hazards
- Natural Heritage and Hazards Overlay Rural Map Schedule
If you think you need to apply for a Official Plan or zoning bylaw change contact us or view the related Planning Application Forms.
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