Emergencies can happen anytime. Are you ready?
You should always be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for up to three days in the event of an emergency or disaster and outside aid may not be available. Follow these 3 steps to ensure your family’s safety and consult the Elliot Lake Emergency Preparedness Guide for more useful information.
Step 1 - Make a Plan |
In an emergency, your family may not be together, or you may be asked to evacuate your home. Thinking about what you would do in different situations and preparing a plan with every member of your family is the first step to being prepared.
What your Plan Should Include:A Family Communications PlanDuring an emergency, it may be easier to reach someone using text messaging or social media or to make a long-distance call than to call someone locally (due to network damage or a jammed system). Discuss with your family which way(s) you will try to get in touch with each other. Identify one or two out-of-town contacts you and your loved ones can call or text message to connect and share information. Be sure they live far enough away so they will not likely be affected by the same emergency.
Make sure everyone in your family, as well as your two key contacts, knows how to use text messaging. During emergencies, these messages may often get through even when phone calls may not. Always keep your communications devices fully charged. Evacuation PlanIn case you are asked to evacuate your home, or even your area, select two safe locations you could go to. One should be nearby, such as a local library or community centre. The other one should be farther away, outside your neighbourhood, in case the emergency affects a large area.
You should also plan how you would travel to a safe location if evacuation was advised. Have an emergency survival kit ready to take with you (that’s Step 2). And if you have pets, think of someone who can take your pet(s) if you have to leave your home. Often, only service animals are allowed at receptions centres.
Review of Safety in Your HomeEvacuation RouteMake sure everyone in your family knows how to safely exit your home—by a main exit and an alternate one. Be sure to consider your living situation. For instance, if you live in a high-rise and have special needs, talk to your building manager or neighbours to make special arrangements, if necessary.
Emergency NumbersKeep a listing of emergency numbers at the ready and make sure all members of your family know where they are. Teach children when and how to dial 9-1-1 and other key numbers they may need to call. Here are some numbers you should consider having on this list:
Fire and Other SafetyFollow general household safety rules for smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers. More information on how many to have, where to place them, how often to check and replace them can be obtained from your local fire department.
Utility Shut-off ProcedureEvery adult in your family, as well as older children, should also know how to turn off main utilities—water, electricity, gas. In certain emergencies, authorities will ask that these be turned off for safety reasons. Write out instructions, if needed, and post somewhere visible. Everyone should also know where the floor drain is located and ensure that it is not obstructed, in case of flooding.
Important DocumentsMake copies of important documents (insurance, main identification documents like driver’s licence and passport, birth and marriage certificates, wills). Keep with your plan in a safe place. Consider sharing copies with out-of-town family members or keep a set in a safety deposit box.
Emergency Planning and Safety Beyond Your HomeInquire at your workplace, and your child’s school or daycare about their emergency plans. Find out about their evacuation plans and how they will contact family in an emergency. Make sure that you keep all relevant contact information up to date at work and at your child’s school or daycare, and make sure any people designated to pick up your child are familiar with your emergency plan. Think of your neighbours. Identify anyone who may need assistance during an emergency and discuss a plan with them and other neighbours. For instance, help them prepare an emergency plan and survival kit, and arrange to check in on that person during an emergency, like a power outage. Planning for Special NeedsIf you or anyone in your family has special needs, be sure your plan reflects them. For instance, for someone with special medical needs or a medical condition, you may want to include in your plan a medical history, copies of prescriptions, information for key health-care contacts. Your emergency kit should also contain extra medications and supplies. You may not have access to conveniences, such as pharmacies, immediately after an emergency has occurred. It is also a good idea to teach others about any special needs, such as how to use medical equipment or administer medicine. To learn more about emergency planning for disability and special needs, consult our guide for people with disabilities/special needs. When Your Plan Is Ready
Step 2 - Build a Kit |
Your emergency survival kit should have everything you and your family would need to be safe and take care of yourselves for at least three days immediately following an emergency. The following list is broken down into the essentials, items you may need to meet your family’s unique needs, and items to have ready in case you have to leave your home. WHAT TO PUT IN YOUR SURVIVAL KITEssentials
Special Considerations
Extra Supplies for Evacuation
Other Tips
Step 3 - Be Informed |
During an emergency, you should stay tuned to local news channels. Be sure to have a portable, battery-operated or crank radio in your survival kit in case of power outages. |
More information
Algoma Public Health, the Canadian Red Cross and Health Canada are important resources that can provide you with important information on Canadian emergency services in your area.
If you are travelling, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation provides road safety information.
You can find important weather information with Environment Canada's weather updates or through the Weather Network. These resources will tell you what to do during a special weather event.
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