If you are planning a build within the City of Elliot Lake as a property owner, you must follow the regulations, permitted uses and By-Laws of the Zone you are in as set out by the Planning Act. If you have an existing or proposed build which does not comply with the regulations contained in the City's Zoning By-Laws, you may apply to the Committee of Adjustment for relief.
How to Make a Minor Variance Application
The process to apply for a Minor Variance takes about 8 to 12 weeks to complete in total.
Step 1 - Consult With Staff |
Schedule a pre-consultation with City staff by contacting the Building, By-Law & Planning Department at 705-848-2287 ext. 2119 or E-mail Us. A staff member will help you determine if you need a Minor Variance for your project. |
Step 2 - Complete the Application |
If you need a Minor Variance for your project, we will give you an application form. To fully complete the application, you must include:
We may also ask you to send us additional photos or relevant documents, if needed. |
Step 3 - Notice of Hearing |
After we receive your application, we will send a Notice of Hearing to you and all assessed property owners within 60 meters of the subject property. We will also give copies of the application to other City departments or external agencies, if needed. This step allows us to gather feedback from interested parties. We then pass along their feedback in a report to the Committee of Adjustment at the Hearing. |
Step 4 - Hearing and Decision |
It is important for you or your agent/solicitor to attend the Hearing to explain the reasons for your application. The Committee may proceed even if you do not attend. Other interested parties may also attend to express their views. The Committee evaluates these comments and those made in written reports by staff before making a decision. In some cases, the Committee may attach conditions. |
Step 5 - Mailing the Notice of Decision |
Within 10-days of the Committee making its decision, the City will mail a copy of the Notice of Decision to you and anyone else who has asked for a written notice. If you wish to appeal the decision, you will find information on the procedure in the Notice of Decision. If your application has been approved and you have met all conditions, you may be able to apply for a now-compliant building permit. |
Step 6 - Appeals |
There is a 20-day appeal period after the Committee has made its decision. You can make an appeal by sending a Notice of Appeal to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment. In the appeal, you must list the reasons for objecting to the decision. You must also pay a fee of $400 (cheques made payable to the Minister of Finance). If we have not received an appeal within 20-days of the date of the decision, it is final and binding. |
For more information on Minor Variances, contact the Building, By-Law & Planning Department at 705-848-2287 ext. 2119 or E-mail Us.
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