Elliot Lake Public Library helps our community stay connected by providing Internet access to library users. Wi-Fi service is available for free. Internet access through library computers is provided at a small fee of $1 per session.
When using library Internet or computers, please silence your cell phone alerts in consideration of other library users.
Wi-Fi access |
Wireless Internet access is available anywhere in the library during operating hours. Since you are using your own device, there are no time limits on usage. Please be aware that library Wi-Fi is not secure and we cannot guarantee the safety of traffic across the network. In order to connect to library Wi-Fi:
Printing is not available from the wireless network. If you wish to print a document, you can use the public computers at a rate of $1 per session. |
Internet access on library computers |
If you do not have a Wi-Fi-enabled device, you can use the public library computers to access the Internet. The cost of Internet time is $1 per session, paid in advance at the library desk. Sessions are one hour or less. Users are allowed one Internet session per day. However, if there are no other library guests waiting, you can purchase a second session (or more). Everyone who uses library computers for Internet access should be aware of our Internet Policy, including the following terms of use:
The use of library computers is a privilege that can be withdrawn by Elliot Lake Public Library staff if a user's behaviour is inappropriate or if users are not following library Internet policy or federal or provincial laws. |
Printing |
You can print from public library computers. Black-and-white printing costs $0.25 per page. Colour printing costs $0.75 per page. |
Accessible computer |
The library ensures computer accessibility for all our patrons. Our accessible computer station meets the needs of visitors with disabilities. It has a 28” monitor with all-in-one computer, as well as JAWS screen reading software with headphones. The computer also comes with Zoomtext Magnifier, which enlarges everything on the screen, making applications easier to see and use. The fee for using the accessible computer is $1 per session (up to one hour). The same cost applies to all our public computers. |
Technical issues |
The library is responsible only for providing a working Wi-Fi connection. We cannot provide technical assistance. There is no guarantee that your device will be able to connect to the network. If you need assistance, please contact the manufacturer of the laptop or software you are using. |
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