If you need to see the Tax or Water Clerk you must make an appointment. Please call them at 705.848.2287 ext. 2109 (Taxes) or ext. 2108 (Water).
Property Taxes
The City of Elliot Lake’s Tax Department is responsible for the billing and collection of all interim, final, and supplementary property tax billings.
The Tax Department also administers a number of provincial mandated programs including a low-income seniors and low-income disabled tax deferral program, commercial/industrial vacancy rebates, and registered charity rebates.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who determines my Property Assessment Value? |
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation's (MPAC) is responsible for determining the assessment value for all properties across Ontario. These assessment values are delivered to municipalities, who use these values to calculate their annual property tax rates. Municipalities are not responsible for the assessment value of your property. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the assessment value of your property, please contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722. If you disagree with your property’s assessed value and/or classification, you have the option to file a free Request for Reconsideration with MPAC before their filing deadline. |
What if my property becomes vacant or unusable? |
Under Section 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001 (“The Act”), a taxpayer may make an application to have their taxes cancelled, reduced, or refunded due to a variety of circumstances including demolition, razed by fire or removal of a mobile unit. Each of the circumstances are set out in Subsections 357 (1) and (1.1) of The Municipal Act and are detailed on the application form. An application may be made by either the owner of the land, the owner’s spouse or other interested party. A separate application must be made for each tax year and must be made on or before February 28th of the year following the year in respect of which the application is being made. You can download the application form here For more details, please click here https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/01m25#BK464 |
How is my Assessment determined? |
The City of Elliot Lake does not determine the value of your property. This is done by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) which is completely separate and independent of the City of Elliot Lake. The Assessment Act requires that the assessed value of your property be based on what the property would likely sell for on a specific date. The most recent valuation date was January 1, 2016 for taxation years 2017 to 2020. Local property sales occurring around that date provide a basis as to the assessed value of similar unsold properties. MPAC continually collects information about properties to ensure that those with similar features (age, size, location, construction, etc.) have similar but not necessarily identical assessed values. |
Is my Assessment right? |
Ask yourself if your assessed value is close to what you would have expected to sell your property for in January of 2016. What were similar properties selling for at that time? MPAC is now providing an online service called “About My Property”. Using this service, property owners can review basic assessment information for their own property and compare similar properties. Further information can be obtained from MPAC at www.mpac.ca or by calling 1-866-296-6722. |
I disagree with my Assessment Value. What should I do? |
If you believe that your assessment is incorrect, you should first contact MPAC to discuss your assessment or verify details about your property. If you still have concerns, you may ask MPAC for a formal reconsideration of your assessment. There are no fees for a Request for Reconsideration (RFR). The request must be filed within 90 days of receiving your assessment notice from MPAC. You can obtain an RFR application on the forms section of the MPAC website or by calling MPAC at 1-866-296-6722. |
Payment Options |
The City of Elliot Lake offers a variety of payment options for your tax bill so you can find the method that is most convenient for you.
City of Elliot Lake Tax Department |
How do I make a payment via Online Banking? |
Please follow the following steps: 1. Sign in to your financial institution’s online banking service for individuals. 2. Under “add a payee”, search for “ELLIOT LAKE”: 3. Select the following option: ELLIOT LAKE (CITY) – TAX
How do I get a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Application? |
When are Property tax bills mailed out and when are they due? |
The Interim Tax Bill is mailed by the end of February each year and are due on:
The Final Tax Bill is mailed by the end of July each year and are due on:
Can I get my tax bills sent to my email? |
As of January 18, 2021 you can now register to receive your Tax Bills and Notices directly to your email address instead of by mail. Please fill out the form below. Request and Authorization for Electronic Bills |
If I do not pay my taxes by the due date, will I be charged a penalty? |
Who do I need to notify for a change to my mailing address? |
We are pleased to announce that as of February 16, 2022, you may now submit your Change in Mailing Address for receiving property tax bills and notifications online. Simply select the online form button. Mailing address changes can still be submitted by printing and filling out the Mailing Address Change Form and submitting it to the City’s Tax Department. You may submit your form in any of the following ways:
What are the Tax Rates? |
How are tax rates calculated? |
How do I find out about Tax Relief for Seniors and Low Income Persons with Disabilities? |
How do I find out about a Property Tax Rebate for Vacancies in Commercial or Industrial Buildings? |
My mortgage company pays my taxes, but I would like to pay on my own. How do I change this arrangement? |
How do I change my school support designation on my tax bill? |
How do I Get a Tax Certificate? |
The Municipal Act, 2001, Sec. 352, authorizes the Treasurer to issue Tax Certificates. Generally, these are legal documents meant to be supplied to lawyers, acting for the owner on the purchase or sale of a property. Certificates give the annual taxes, any current or prior year arrears, and any local improvements billed to the property. There is a fee charged for this certificate. The information is valid only at the moment of production of the certificate, and does not anticipate future changes of the amount owing.
To request a Tax Certificate and make payment by credit card you may fill out our easy online form. If you wish to pay by EFT please email us, or call 705.848.2287 ext. 2108. The current fee charged for the Tax Certificate is $68.50 (NO HST).
Certificates are only generated, printed and sent once we receive payment. The City of Elliot Lake reserves the right to request additional information before generation of the certificate. If the online form is used or a copy of the cheque paying for the certificate is emailed or faxed to this office (705.461.7244), a copy of the certificate will be sent.
Water Bill
All inquiries to water and sewer billing and your water meter are handled by the Treasury Department. Please contact them by email or at 705.848.2287 x 2108.
For inquiries related to your water and sewer service please contact the Public Works Department by email or at 705.848.2287 x 2600.
What am I paying for? | ||||||||||
The fees for the consumption of water and the use of the waste water system. | ||||||||||
Who decides what the Water Rate is every year? | ||||||||||
City Council sets the yearly water rate. Once the amount is decided upon Council passes a by-law and the new water rate begins January 1st of each year. | ||||||||||
What are the 2025 Water Rates? | ||||||||||
By-law #23-12 Schedule "A"
Multiple Dwellings, 7 Units or More
Meter Rates Per Quarter per m3
Minimum Charge per quarter $262.50
Additional Service Fees
Water Billings and Due Dates | ||||||||||
How often is my water bill issued? | ||||||||||
Residential and Churches accounts (2 times per year)
Multi-residential and Metered accounts (4 times per year)
Can I get paperless billing? | ||||||||||
As of January 18, 2021 you can now receive paperless billings. Simply fill out the form below and your bill will now come directly to the email address you provide. Request and Authorization for Electronic Bills
How Can I Pay My Water Bill? | ||||||||||
The City of Elliot Lake offers a variety of payment options for your water utility bill so you can find the method that is most convenient for you.
City of Elliot Lake Water Department
How do I arrange a Pre-authorized Payment Plan (PAP)? | ||||||||||
Our pre-authorized payment plan is a convenient way to pay your water utility bill. It offers you the convenience of not writing a cheque, spending time and money mailing payment, not worrying about late payments or charges and not experiencing line-ups at your bank or City Hall. The City of Elliot Lake will process the amount on a specified date. Your current bill must be paid in full before you can enroll in the plan, or the balance plus any future balance will be paid in full by the current year. Pre-authorized payment forms are available for Water accounts Submit your completed form to the City's Water Department by:
City of Elliot Lake Water Department 45 Hillside Dr. N. Elliot Lake, ON P5A 1X5 |
How do I cancel or update my pre-authorized payment plan? | ||||||||||
To update your banking information or to cancel your pre-authorized payment plan you may:
All updates or cancellations must be made at least 15 days prior to the withdrawal date
My payment didn't go through my bank. What happens now? | ||||||||||
There is a fee for all payments that are not honoured by your financial institution. Customers on the PAP plan with more than two dishonoured payments in a 12-month period will be removed from the plan. Any balance will then become due on the regular due dates or 21 days after the payment was returned if after the due date. Any outstanding amount after the due date will be subject to penalty of 1.25% on the first of every month and 1.25% on the installment a day after the due date. | ||||||||||
December's payment has come out of my account and how do I find out what my monthly payment will be in January? | ||||||||||
You will receive a notice in December of each year; at least 10 days before the withdrawal date advising you of your monthly amount for the next year. | ||||||||||
If I can't pay my bill? | ||||||||||
Can I put the water account into a tenant's name? | ||||||||||
The City of Elliot Lake is phasing out transferring water accounts into tenants names. If an account is currently in a tenants' name, once they move out it will be transferred back to the property owner's name and a notice with the transfer and the outstanding balance (if any) will be sent to the property owner. The water account will not be transferred into another tenant's name.
Tenants can still pay the water bill on the property owners behalf. Bills will remain in the landlord's name. Bills are sent to the landlord at the mailing address on file. The landlord can then make arrangements with their tenant for payment of the account and the landlord remains solely responsible for any unpaid amounts. |
Buying and selling a house in Elliot Lake? | ||||||||||
If I have questions about my water bill, who do I contact and how? | ||||||||||
Email us or call 705.848.2287 ext. 2108.
The City of Elliot Lake's hours of operation are weekdays, Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 4:30.
Voicemail and emails will be returned within 2 business days. |
How do I get a Water Certificate? | ||||||||||
To request a Water Certificate and make payment by credit card you may fill out our easy online form. If you wish to pay by EFT please email us, or call 705.848.2287 ext. 2108. The current fee charged for the Water Certificate is $68.50 (NO HST).
Certificates are only generated, printed and sent upon receipt of the fee for same. If the online form is used or a a copy of the cheque paying for the certificate is emailed or faxed to this office (705.461.7244), a copy of the certificate will be sent.
Contact Us
Property Taxes
45 Hillside Drive North, Elliot Lake
Ontario, Canada P5A 1X5
T. 705.848.2287 x2109
F. 705.461.7244
E-Mail Us
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