Requests for flag raising ceremonies to mark special events or organizations may be made to the City of Elliot Lake though City Hall. Flag raising ceremonies at Municipal locations will be approved solely at the discretion of the CAO’s office.
Flag raising ceremonies will include the Mayor or a member of Council raising the flag and reading a proclamation of the event.
Once approved, the City will fly the flags of:
- Other sovereign nations
- Non-profit societies
- Other local organizations
Right of Refusal |
The City of Elliot Lake reserves the right to choose which flags may or may not be flown at city owned properties.
Requests will not be approved for:
- Political parties/organizations
- Commercial entities or in celebration of corporate events
- Intent that is contrary to City policies or by-laws
- Organizations requesting flag raisings that support hatred, violence or racism
Requirements and Important Information |
The following guidelines apply to all requests:
- Requests for flag raisings must be submitted at least 10 business days in advance of an event.
- Flag raising ceremony requests will be processed on a first-come-first served basis.
- Organizations wishing to have their flags displayed by the City are required to supply their flag.
- The flag should be 36"x 72" (90 cm x 180 cm) and must be in good condition.
- Upon confirmation of booking, all flags must be submitted to the CAO's Office at least 5 business days in advance of the event.
- The flag will be flown in accordance with the City of Elliot Lake Flag Policy
- It is the responsibility of requesting organization to pick up their flag after the event.
- Flag raising ceremonies will be subject to weather.
Making a Formal Request |
Any organization wishing to schedule a Flag Raising must do one of the following:
- Fill out, print, scan and send by email to the CAO's Office or
- Drop the completed form off to City Hall in person or
- Deposit the completed form in the drop box located outside the main doors of City Hall at 45 Hillside Drive North.
Online Flag Raising Request Form