The City of Elliot Lake provides residents with many types of services. We can answer your questions about our municipality. Our team is full of dedicated professionals who work to make the city a better place every day.
Location and contact
You can find City Hall at:
City of Elliot Lake - City Hall
45 Hillside Dr. N.
Elliot Lake, ON
P5A 1X5
You can contact City Hall with general inquiries by calling 705-848-2287 or you can see a list of departments you can contact for information. You can also report a concern.
Mission statement
The City of Elliot Lake is distinguished by its provision of modern urban services for all ages, while being located in the heart of a pristine natural environment. It is a community where the quality of life is continually enhanced through the interactions of a diverse population supported by engaged private and not-for-profit sectors.
It is a place where affordability, health, and resiliency are more than just words, they are a way of life.
Mayor, Council and Committees
View more information about the City of Elliot Lake's Mayor and Council, and our Committees and Boards.
Learn how City Hall can help you through our:
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